Waterboat Point

The water around the shipwrecked whaling vessel, Guvernorn,has a deceptive caribbean look to it in the early season down here off Wilhemina bAY. soon the algae blooms will\ turn the nearly frozen sea water an inky black, it is gin clear, and when viewed from above, shallow water like that around the shipwreck we’re anchored on looks tropical and inviting. So when we motored past the bow of the Guvernorn and I saw how deep the water was, i forgot for a moment how cold it was too and asked darrel if he thougt i should jump off it. ‘dont know if anyones done it before, could be a new world record’ he joked. shortly after, im taking off all my clothes on the bow of the rusted ship and stuffing them into a dry sack before tossing it down to my dad in the zodiac. I look down, the water doesnt look inviting like it had earlier that morning but im barefoot and its not getting warmer. the water isnt freezing when i first land but by the time i start swimming to the zodiac i can feel the blood, or maybe its aderenaline, rushing through my extremities. dad pulls me onto the boat, he high fives me saying he got a good photo and i dont have to do it again… but he forgot my towel on the big boat!
Jerry Riccotti

One Comment

  1. Gina Ricciotti

    So how did my crazy back flipping son get onto the wreck?! Very cool.
    Wherever you go, you just have to do a backflip in joy of your surroundings! Keep it up buddy!

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