08/02/2020 – Saturday
We left Cape Herschel and travelled down the western side of Trinity Peninsula to Spring Point where there were massive glaciers – absolutely spectacular. After lunch Zvi, Dave, Paul and Mark went kayaking and Calypso, Adrien, Julin and Tiak went on the zodiac to investigate the surroundings. The “weakest link” (AKA The writer of this post) went with the second group of kayakers (her second attempt). We paddled around the face of the glaciers (not too close) photographing seals on icebergs and paddled around a little island – such beautiful scenery. I know I’m going to run out of adjectives soon…..!!!
Post from Denise
February Trip 2020
Denise…. there are definitely not enough adjectives to describe this amazing spectacular incredible breathtaking part of our world. Now you can understand that unless you’ve been to Antarctica, you will never understand the emotion you feel when you’re there experiencing it. And cruising through in the Spirit must be magical. Can’t wait to hear ALL the details.