09/02/2020 – Sunday
With icebergs in the vicinity, we all took turns at “anchor watch” during Saturday night & Sunday morning with rotations every 1.5 hours.
After a briefing for all advising what we needed to look out for, my watch started at 06:00 – it was quite cold but very clear. I decided to remain on deck instead of getting in and out of the cabin, and was rewarded by the appearance of two Humpback whales surfacing and diving in a cove on the other side of the bay. They weren’t close enough for a photo, but I was startled by a lone whale that surfaced about 10m away from the boat – too late, I was not quick enough to get the photo, but I’m sure there will be other opportunities. Others had seen this lone whale on their watch also. We then moved further south along the Trinity Peninsula, mooring in Murray Harbour.
The “weakest link” (AKA the writer of this post) went for another short kayak with Zvi, Tiak and Julin to see the seals on the nearest point. On our return, there was very little time to prepare for a “short” hike to a viewpoint where we could see across from Trinity Peninsula to the other side of the strait. Kind assistance from Dave, Adrien, Calypso and Julin aided the “weakest link” to see that view also!! Back at the boat, we had a well-deserved wine followed by a Johnny Walker on the (million year old) rocks.
Post from Denise
February Trip 2020