12/02/2020 – Wednesday
We left our Enterprise Island mooring after the yacht next to us left at 06:30 – it was overcast and light snow was falling. While motoring towards Wilhemina Bay, we were gifted with a magical experience by a mother and calf Humpback whales. The mother swam straight towards the stationery yacht and at the last minute, saw us and diverted. Well, that’s how it appeared. She then interacted with us, maybe she was teaching her calf, who knows, surfacing and diving and swimming up to the side of the boat to look at us!! So unbelievably awesome and many of the explorers got some exceptional footage above and below the water
line – photos, videos, selfies (above water only!!). There will have to be something extra special to top this experience.
We arrived in Paradise Bay and saw a cruise ship of about 500 passengers on board and about 4000 Gentoo penguins ashore at the Gabriel Gonzales Videla base. After the cruise ship’s last zodiac left, we piled into our zodiac and went ashore. The guys from the Chilean Air Force that were manning the base were quite happy to give us a tour and chat with us, being a smaller group. A few of us sent postcards, and after our return to the yacht, Dave cooked dinner. We then rugged up for anchor watch (one hour intervals) at which we were entertained by the penguins leaping and diving for food for their pups. Occasionally seals would surface also.
Post from Denise
February Trip 2020