04/02/2020 – Tuesday
Deception Island – we dropped anchor at Deception around 02:15. When those not on watch awoke, we were moored in a caldera with other smaller calderas around, surrounded by a variety of volcanic rims. There were 2 scientific stations on the other side of the bay – one Spanish and the other Argentinian – with a cruise ship anchored that had departed by lunch time. Adrien and Calypso prepared the zodiac, and we were soon underway on our first excursion. We travelled to the other side of the caldera and photographed 3 fur seals lazing in the sun, before trekking upwards…and upwards…and upwards, climbing around a volcanic ridge. Thanks to Calypso, without whose patience and assistance the “weakest link” of the group would not have made the distance!! I’m sure the climb was 400m high (well, it seemed like it, anyway…)!!! We then traversed to the other side of the caldera to photograph 2 sleeping Weddell seals. After lunch the kayaks were prepared and utilized to investigate the bay.
Post from Denise
February Trip 2020