11/02/2020 – Tuesday
Though several degrees colder than previous days, the sun was shining, and the grey weather banished. The morning was windy, so no kayaking for the “weakest link” (AKA the writer of this blog!). Four went kayaking and Adrien took the rest of the explorers snow sledding on Pythia Island. Wildlife around Enterprise Island included Fur Seals, Kelp Gulls, Skuas and several Antarctic Terns.
Besides the wildlife, Enterprise Island proved very popular with cruise ships, and during the course of the day we heard and saw numerous zodiacs moving about, and some peering into the “Spirit of Sydney”. A sailing yacht must be an oddity in these waters. Later in the afternoon,
we found ourselves surrounded by snorkelers garbed in dry suits, floating all around the boat. We watched their antics over Julin’s delicious pasta bolognaise.
Post from Denise
February Trip 2020