Journal From James Bennett

Hello! Darrel here, I do apologize to those following the blog that it’s been a bit slow.I called the boat yesterday and they said that it’s hard to find the time as they are having so much fun. 
So, hear we go with a post from Jim Bennett

To all of you who are following the Spirit of Sydney Blog, let it be known that we are having an absolutely amazing and inspiring journey hear in Antarctica.  Words are inadequate to describe the depth and beauty of this environment.  We alternate days of travel to new anchorages by water in Spirit with days of exploration within the area of our anchorage. At each anchorage we embark on “missions” with half the group in kayaks and the other half in the zodiac.  The kayakers tour by water and capture the perspective of the sea while the zodiac groups focus elevated view points with the perspective of the incredible heights surrounding each place we go. Close encounters with seals, whales and penguins are frequent, and each unique.  What you will see in photos is only one dimension of this experience.  What is missing in the photos is the depth and expansiveness of the landscape,  the feeling of the changing atmosphere and the sounds of the glaciers and mountains as they speak in bursts of rock falls and calving ice.  The rock falls speak with the crack of a rifle followed by the rushing and clattering of rock and ice skidding down the mountain face and spilling down on the slopes below.  The ice makes its sound heard in the echoing of waves slapping against frozen overhangs and grottoes within.  The quiet majesty of the icebergs and glacial falls are breathtaking and make one feel like such a small part of this enormous planet and home of ours. We are experiencing all of this for a first time individually and as a group brought together by this unique opportunity.  The group dynamic is fantastic and the individuals each add their unique part of this amazing journey.  We are truly fortunate to have the opportunity to be here. Jim Bennett, Feb 16 2018


  1. Molly Mulhern

    Fabulous report from the other side of this blue spinning planet. Bravo to you all for exploring and expanding your horizons….those of us back home can’t wait to hear all about it. Safe passage back across the Drake! Much love from Maine.

  2. Sounds like an amazing adventure! Enjoy every minute.

  3. Beautiful pictures! Sending love from Kinshasa!

  4. Robert Bennett

    AhJu is very impressed – me too.

  5. Thanks Jim–beautifully described as well as photographed! That’s actually a right whale, presumably of the southern variety, which is a healthier and larger population than the north Atlantic ones, which are verging on extinction (and were thought to BE extinct until some guys at the Aquarium discovered them back in the ’80s). Would love to see one–they’re pretty rare around here.

    Would love to see some pix of shipboard life as well, if/when you get a chance!

  6. Eileen Paradise

    What a wonderful adventure! You are actually the third person I know personally who’s travelled to Antarctica recently! All for different reasons, and all equally amazing. Enjoy!!!

  7. Looks amazing!! Just Wow! Wow! Wow! 🐋💕☺️

  8. Wow, Jim, what vivid imagery. Thanks for the update. Dwight, I hope you’re feeling better. <3

  9. Larry and Linda

    The pictures are amazing and the words inspiring. I will enjoy that part of the world via pictures. Thanks.

  10. Your description of the sounds and atmosphere are wonderful!

  11. Nancy Luther

    Wow! just Wow!! you guys …. WOW.

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