14/02/2020 – Friday
The camping experience was a mixed bag for the campers. Dave stayed warm, bundled in layers and layers of clothing, whilst Julin complained about getting cold in the early morning……(she advised that) this could also be due to the fact that she comes from tropical Singapore and Dave, on the other hand, is from Old Blighty!!
While Julin took a while to “thaw” out, Dave, Mark, Tiak and Zvi recovered the kayaks and went exploring, meeting up with the yacht at the next cove around from Brown Base, an Argentinian base manned in the summer months. We were not able to visit this base as they required us
to provide health certificates as proof of our “good health” because of the coronavirus!!!
The journey to Skontorp Cove was serene and beautiful – the skies were blue, the air clean and crisp, and the waters calm and reflective of the snow-capped mountains and glaciers surrounding the base. The yacht crew viewed leopard seals during the journey but Dave, on the other hand, topped that and got footage of a leopard seal thrashing about and devouring a cormoran in front of Brown Base. To make the encounter even more exciting, the seal, after its hearty meal, swam up to Tiak’s kayak and put its head on the bow before disappearing into the waters!!!
Being Valentine’s Day, Calypso gave Adrien a haircut, after which he cooked us all a barbeque on the yacht’s Aussie Weber Q. A fantastic meal and a few wines in the afternoon sun, but when the sun disappeared behind the Cove’s rim, we all disappeared inside!!
Post from Denise
February Trip 2020