Our journey stories with a broken keyboard…


he keboard is sick and does not regiser he leers afer ‘s’ and afer ‘x’,
so ou will have o edi and add hose leers in laer. caps also does no work
and he keboard is ver difficul.

we have been on board some days now and each day brings wih it new
amazing experiences.  the scenery gets more fantastic every day and when
we are not paddling eating and sleeping we find ourselves fully engaged
in admiring the scenery and taking full advantage of the innumerable
photo ops.

we have seen sunning mountains, glaciers, and icebergs and an endless
array of penguins, seals and a parade of whales to keep us constantly on
watch for more.

we camped the other nigh on booth island with penguins checking us out
and seals sunning themselves nearby on rocks.  a full moon blazed orange
over the sea ice and bergs and the call of gentoos provided evening
music for us to bed down to.

a paddle down the lemaire channel the next day gave us experience of
impossible glaciers hanging from impossibly steep slopes, some
challenging currents bringing us a river of bergy bits, the paddle
ending in a cruise through the ice berg graveyard, including a
spectacular roll over of one massive berg.

today we enjoyed an easy paddle around some lower islands near our
anchorage at pleneau island which included some most excellent
opportunities to experience and photograph ice bergs ranging from the
size of automobiles to the size of small mountains.

this evening i have been filming gentoo penguins porpoising past us on
their way to their rookery, across the flat calm lagoon we are moored in
and across the path of the setting sun shining golden on the water.

signing off,

One Comment

  1. What an awesome experience I can’t wait till January

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